Double the Fun


Zoe Choo

Zoe and I go way back - her and I have always connected so well because she effortlessly becomes the vibrant center of every party, radiating an infectious energy that draws in everyone around her. With her uninhibited nature and spontaneous charm, she effortlessly draws people into her magnetic orbit, turning even the quietest gatherings into unforgettable adventures. zoe’s stunning beauty and zest for life is a constant reminder to embrace the present and savor every moment of joy and celebration.

Camille Blake

Camille and I have been best friends since the day we met. we instantly clicked because of our love for the finer things in life and her captivating blend of intelligence and sophistication that instantly captivates anyone fortunate enough to cross her path. With an extensive knowledge of literature, art, and culture, she always engages in thought-provoking conversations and shares fascinating insights that leave a lasting impression. Coupled with her striking appearance, she truly embodies the phrase "beauty with brains," making Camille an irresistible force both intellectually and aesthetically.

Sophie Bittar

Sophie and I had connected so well because of our mutual love for the arts. wildly adventurous and creatively inclined - she possesses an irresistible charm that entices those around her. With an uninhibited spirit and a penchant for exploring the unconventional, she fearlessly embraces her passions and entices others to join in her exhilarating adventures. Coupled with her stunning beauty, she becomes a magnetic presence, leaving a lasting impression on anyone fortunate enough to cross her path.

Isabella Deluna

Isabella is so special to me, we have a mutual love of health and wellness and the arts. not only that - she is creative and alluring, the perfect blend of vitality and artistic flair that leaves a lasting impression. With her unwavering commitment to a wholesome lifestyle, she radiates a vibrant energy that inspires others to prioritize their well-being. her undeniable sensual looks adds an enticing layer to her dynamic personality, making her a force that seamlessly combines health consciousness and creative expression.

Stassi Jolie

stassi and I became friends years ago, hitting it off instantly over dinner in Los Angeles. she is a refreshing combination of confidence and authenticity. With her unwavering assertiveness, she fearlessly speaks her mind and stands up for what she believes in, inspiring others to do the same. Her striking beauty serves as a complement to her vibrant personality, making her an intriguing blend of strength and allure that draws people in. when stassi is in the room, there will never be a dull moment.

Katherine Rhee

Katherine and I met in 2016, leading to the formation of a friendship that has only deepened with time. It was evident from the beginning that Katherine and I shared a common appreciation for the finer things in life, a bond that became the cornerstone of our connection. Our initial encounter was marked by a shared love for exquisite experiences and an understanding of the beauty found in life's luxuries. As the years unfolded, we found joy in exploring high-end jewelry boutiques and always meeting at Michelin star restaurants together. Anyone lucky enough to spend time with her is sure to appreciate the beauty she finds in the details, creating memories steeped in elegance and shared passion.